Yulo X, the latest project by Berlin-based producer Felix Neumann, returns with “AMOR,” a compelling second single from his forthcoming album ‘Euphoria Ends.’ Released...
In our interview, Robbie opens up about the creative process behind his latest EP, how his early influences shaped his unique sound, and the challenges he has faced along the way.
In our interview, Thomas Irwin opens up about the creative process behind his latest track, how he got to where he is, and the challenges he has faced along the way.
In a recent interview, Fulltone delved into his diverse musical influences, his intricate creative process, and his future ambitions, as he warmly returns to Lee Burridge’s esteemed imprint with his newest release, the Alba EP.
We spoke with Aytiwan about various topics, including his creative process behind this latest release, how collaboration has impacted his work, and his dream collaborations.