Max Dean launches his 2024 release schedule with a dynamic start, ‘In You’. A testament to his undeniable talent and dedication to his craft.
neXup’s frontman...
The Italian artist Massimo Logli makes his debut with 'Lolita' on Sisko Electrofanatik's record label, Gain, with a track that captivates with evolution and immersive auditory panorama.
Dr. Nicolas Pinto, aka Nicoleo, debuts on LIFEFORMS with 'Chemin', showcasing his talent in blending immersive soundscapes with electronic experimentation.
Co-founded by Nicoleo and Tim...
'Love Accelerator' marks Maga and Emanuel Satie's first offering of 2024 and has already claimed the lead spot on Frau Blau's 'Friends V' VA compilation.
Deed Music Berlin, a boutique label recognized for cutting-edge releases, proudly presents Lingam's latest two-track offering. The release features 'Becoming You' and 'Prequal', inviting...
The new track by the Ukrainian melodic house and techno talent Meyer, showcases a burst of creative energy, seamlessly melding substantial, tech-infused beats with pulsating melodic techno musicality.