The Akai MPC One revolutionized standalone music production when it launched, offering a compact yet powerful solution for beatmakers and producers. In 2025, Akai...
Arturia has unveiled the highly anticipated MiniFreak firmware 3.0 update, a revolutionary step forward for their hybrid synthesizer. Packed with cutting-edge features and improvements,...
Waves Audio, a leading name in audio production tools, has unveiled its latest V15 plugins update, elevating its already powerful suite with redesigned interfaces...
Having access to high-quality tools is essential. Thankfully, 2025 is brimming with innovative free plugins that cater to diverse production needs. Whether you're crafting...
Ableton Move is the new portable addition to the groovebox market, offering a bold blend of creativity, affordability, and fun. Breaking away from the...
Recent Spotify updates aim to combat fake streams while offering innovative features to help artists promote their work effectively.
Spotify has intensified its efforts to...