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Sorley lands on Desert Hearts Records with an energetic 3-tracker. Known for his addictive grooves and creative sound scapes, Sorley sets off the label year just how we like it. “Stuck with You” gives us an incredibly catchy vibe packed with fierce synth stabs, wild drums and a beautiful vocal. “Rip It” has a slightly darker vibe to it with an acid-inspired bassline following the tracks development as we are introduced to gnarly synth elements and tight percussions. Last but not least, “If You Only Knew” takes the stage and delivers a fat and juicy groove. The bassline gives the track proper bounce while the enchanting vocals lead uns into the ecstatic drop. These three tracks are the perfect peak time techies for everyone who loves to give the dance floor some extra spice.
Release date: 2023-02-10
Sorley ft. R.S.E – Stuck With You (Original Mix) [Desert Hearts Records]
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