Following the widely acclaimed Alter The Flow EP, which was released earlier this year on Anjunadeep, Steven Weston returns to his own imprint with his...
US-Based Han Conscious drops the unofficial remix of Deadmau5 and Kaskade moniker Kx5 'Take Me High'
Karlos Gonzalez, who is now known as Han Conscious,...
On Rebellion, Cristina Lazic showcases her production prowess.
The affiliate follows up her debut EP on the label, 'Burning,' with the minimal techno-flavored...
The gorgeous two-track Butterfly EP, a joint effort between Neapolitan producers Moonwalk and Alessio Cristiano, is now available on Purified Records.
The EP's title track,...
Zürich-based duo Lukas Mayer and Ryder Ulmer make a triumphant debut with 'Diva,' released on their imprint.
In 2020 new melodic-techno duo Read the News...